St. Ambrose to get $600,000 for health center


By Anne Marie Amacher

DAVENPORT — When President Barack Obama signed the Omnibus spending package for the government’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget, it included funds for St. Ambrose University in Davenport.

A grant of $600,000 is expected to be released to the university around July, said Linda Wastyn, associate vice president for advancement. The money is earmarked for the Health Sciences Education Center, which is being built on Genesis Medical Center’s west campus in Davenport.

Wastyn said this is the third grant St. Ambrose has received with help from Senators Tom Harkin and Chuck Grassley and Representative Bruce Braley of Iowa.

Because of the growing need for additional health care professionals in eastern Iowa and throughout the United States, St. Ambrose collaborated with Genesis to build the center to provide education opportunities for that purpose.


The $11.1 million, 40,000-square-foot center is expected to be dedicated Aug. 26, 2010. So far, $9.8 million has been raised. Of that, $1.6 million has come from the three government grants. The funds are filtered through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which is part of Health and Human Services.

“Over the next few months HRSA will notify us to apply for the grant funding. Once we fill out the paperwork we should have access to the funds in July or August,” Wastyn said.

The remainder of funds should be raised by the time of the August dedication, she added.

“Over the next few months HRSA will notify us to apply for the grant funding. Once we fill out the paperwork we should have access to the funds in July or August,” Wastyn said.

The remainder of funds should be raised by the time of the August dedication, she added.

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