Diocese relaxes flu precautions


Since no influenza cases have been reported in Iowa in more than three weeks, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Davenport Diocese is relaxing precautionary measures against the flu.

On Monday, the diocese instructed parishes and schools to return to the “remote preparation” stance of the diocese’s influenza policy. That stance asks parish and school leaders to review their housekeeping practices and plans for controlling infection outbreaks, provide hand sanitizer, stockpile resources, remind people to practice good hygiene and encourage sick people to stay home. 

Previously, parishes and schools were to operate at step one of the diocese’s flu policy. That step calls for increased attention to the tasks listed above, preparation for event cancellation or postponement, and a three-week stockpile of resources.

For the full policy, visit http://www.davenportdiocese.org/disaster/flu.htm.


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