Health care editorial was poorly reasoned


To the Editor:
I almost couldn’t believe my eyes when reading Mr. Ferris’ Guest Opinion (Sept. 19, 2013, The Catholic Messenger): “Learn more about new health care act.” He, in effect, gives diocesan approval to embrace government controlled health care that, as it stands now, would force Catholic health care providers to provide contraception, sterilization procedures, abortifacient drugs and abortions (which he failed to mention) under the rationale that it “is one small part of the Affordable Care Act.” This begs the question, Mr. Ferris; would you still drink, if someone offered you a glass of water with only a little bit of strychnine in it? This kind of poorly formulated moral reasoning only serves to mislead Catholics and further scandalize the faithful.
Eileen Heinold
Editor’s note: Kent Ferris’ letter was written in the spirit of the U.S. Catholic bishops who’ve stressed Congress’ responsibility to protect human life and dignity, as well as care for poor people at home and abroad. Mindful of this responsibility, the Diocese of Davenport’s Social Action Office also stresses the need for working for inclusion of the Health Care Conscience Rights Act (H.R. 940, S. 1204), acknowledging that the government must not force Americans to violate their religious and moral beliefs on respect for life when they provide health care or purchase health coverage.

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