‘Justice’ series at SAU


DAVENPORT — Focusing attention on concepts and issues related to justice and injustice, St. Ambrose University’s 2015-16 project series is titled “Justice.” The series includes lectures, films, concerts, artistic performances and exhibits that examine this subject through the arts, sciences and humanities. This is the eighth year St. Ambrose has offered a yearlong project series. All events are free unless otherwise indicated. For more information, visit www.sau.edu/justice.

SAU Justice series logo 2015 color• Ambrose Women for Social Justice Conference: “Witnessing Injustice: Social Change through Media and Mediation.” Interactive workshops provide an opportunity to learn about problems in our justice system as well as tools that can be used to seek justice locally and globally. The Oct. 20 conference is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Rogalski Center. Cost is $20. To register, visit www.sau.edu/awsj. For more information, contact Katy Strzepek at (563) 333-6113 or StrzepekKatyA@sau.edu, or visit www.sau.edu.

• Lecture: “American Injustice: Mercy, Hu­manity and Making a Difference” will feature Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, and New York University School of Law professor. The lecture is Oct. 20 at 7 p.m. in the Galvin Fine Arts Center.

• Film and Discussion: The Titicut Follies, a controversial documentary of conditions during the mid-1960s at the State Prison for the Criminally Insane in Bridgewater, Mass-achusetts. It received “Best Film Dealing with the Human Condition” at the 1967 Festival Dei Popoli and was honored as the “Best Film” at the 1967 Mannheim International Filmweek. A Bioethics and Humanities Initiative event, it is scheduled Oct. 28 from 7:30-9 p.m. in the Beehive Lounge, lower level of Ambrose Hall.


• Richard Geiger History Lecture: “Habeas Corpus and the Delicate Balance of Governance” will feature Brian Farrell of the University of Iowa who is co-founder and president of the Innocence Project of Iowa. This lecture will be held Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Rogalski Center ballroom.

• Lecture: “Environ-mental Justice in the Desert: The Lotan Story” with visiting scholar Alex Cicelsky. The lecture will examine how the Center for Creative Ecology at Kibbutz Lotan in southern Israel strives to build bridges between and within communities while creating a more sustainable environment. Sponsored by the Middle East Institute. The talk is scheduled Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. in the Rogalski Center.

• CEU event: “Spirit­uality and Social Work: Ethical Avenues for Just Practice” will feature Pamela Long, assistant professor of social work. Sponsored by the SAU School of Social Work. This event will be Nov. 12 from 1-4 p.m. at 1950 E. 45th St., Davenport. Cost is $25 and includes three ethics CEUs for Iowa and Illinois social workers. To register, visit www.sau. edu/msw. For more information, contact Christie Holdridge at (563) 333-3911 or holdridgechristinal@sau.edu.

• Roundtable discussion: “Visions of En­vironmental Justice, At Home and Abroad” will take place Nov. 18 at 7 p.m. in the Rogalski Center. Environmental activists will discuss strategies for building a more sustainable and environmentally responsible planet for all. Participants include visiting scholar Alex Cicelsky, Associate Professor of Biology Amy Blair and Professor of Theology Father Bud Grant. Sponsored by the SAU Middle East Institute. For more information, contact Ryan Dye at (563) 333-6389 or dyeryand@sau.edu.

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